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Brand: Envea, Filtered results: 40

Mercury VM-3000

Perfectly adapted for continuous Air Quality monitoring, laboratories, environmental surveillance, quality control, etc. 

Highly sensitive mercury analyser UT3000

Measuring of Total Gaseous Mercury (TGM) in air and other gases. Reliable for measurements at ultra-trace levels (sub-ng/m³) according to EN 15852 . 

Automatic mercury stack gas monitor SM-3

The SM-3 mercury analyzer measures continuously the elemental, bound and ionic mercury in stack fluegas 

Mercury Calibrator MC-3000

The MC-3000 is used for generating a continuous stream of a mercury vapor loaded gas stream in order to check or calibrate mercury analyzers. It is also suitable for all those applications where a gas stream with a preset and constant mercury concentration is needed.  

Automatic mercury analyzer AULA 254

The AULA-254 Gold is a fully automated system for analyzing traces of mercury in aqueous and digested samples 

Mercury Lab Analyzer 254

The LabAnalyzer is the perfect solution for quantitative determination of mercury in aqueous samples and sample digests in the laboratory. 


Innovative solutions
for industries & the environment 

Process Analyzer PA-2

The mercury analyzer PA-2 is used for continuous monitoring of mercury concentrations in industrial processes. 

Mercury Monitoring System MMS

The MMS basically comprises a multiplexer-valve unit and a highly accurate and selective mercury detector (VM-3000 Vapor Monitor) for measurements in air and other gases 

Dust measurement

from filter monitoring to certified dust measurements 

Portable Mercury Meter 3000 XS

Very small, ultra-light, with on-board GPS, data logger, battery pack and color TFT display for very comfortable and easy mercury monitoring in ambient air and other gases 

Flow Measurement Devices

The continuous velocity and temperature measurement is very important when operating a system with gas flows (for example indoor exhaust air, exhaust gases). 

Dust Monitor DM210

Using the patented ElectroDynamic™ technology the DUST MONITOR 210 is a Filter Leak Monitor suited to filter control applications after fabric dust filter type (baghouse) arrestment plant. 

Electrodynamic Dust Monitor View 820

Certified Multi-sensor dust monitor – category 1 under ATEX / IECEx – for indicative emissions trending and measurement in hazardous zone and in dry processess with elevated pressures. 

Electrodynamic Multisensor Dust Monitor View 800

Electrodynamic Multi sensor Dust Monitor View 800 

Dustmonitor Stack 990

TÜV approved particulate monitor providing high quality emission measurement for low dust concentrations from dry industrial processes including Baghouses and Cartridge Filters 

Electrodynamic Dust Monitor View 370

Multi-sensor dust monitor designed for high quality emission measurement in industrial stacks after bag filters, cartridge filters, cyclones and process driers 

SM-5 Mercury CEMS

Total mercury emissions monitor in stack flue gases 

Modular mercury stack gas monitor SM-4 mobile

Modular mercury stack gas monitor 

SM-4 QAL1 mercuryanalyser

QAL 1 certified for continuous, accurate and reliable measurement of total mercury emissions, even in very low concentrations and within complex matrices (SO2, NOx, HCl, etc.) 

Automatic calibration unit for ut-3000

This is an accesory for the UT-3000 Mercury Ultratracer in monitoring systems at low to intermediate mercury concentrations 

Automatic Mercury Monitoring in natural gas MMS-NG

Automatic systemdesigned for continuous mercury monitoring in natural gas even in hazardous zones (ATEX, IEC-Ex) 

Mobile mercury ultratrace analyzer for natural gas UT-3000 NG mobile

Perfectly adapted to monitor the efficiency of different Mercury Removal Units (MRUs) in natural gas processing plants. 

Dustmonitor QAL 260

MCERTS QAL1 approved, stand alone or multi-sensor Particulate CEM providing high quality emission measurement for low dust concentrations from dry industrial processes 

Dustmonitor STACK 980

MCERTS EN 15859 Filter Dust Approved Particulate monitoring system providing high quality emission measurement for low dust concentrations from dry industrial processes including Baghouses and Cartridge Filters 

Dustmonitor STACK 602

TÜV approved DynamicOpacity™ particulate monitor for emission measurement of dust from large dry industrial processes including Baghouses and Electrostatic Precipitators 

Dustmonitor STACK 710

QAL1 approved particulate CEM which meets US EPA PS-1 requirements for Opacity monitoring from combustion stacks 

Dustmonitor DM 170

The DM 170 is designed to comply with the TÜV suitability testing scheme to EN 15267 and for measuring dust concentrations in a wide range of industrial applications. 

Dustmonitor QAL 182 WS

QAL1 approved ProScatter™ particulate CEM for the extractive sampling and measurement of particulate in saturated wet gas streams 

Dustmonitor QAL 991

QAL1 approved particulate CEM providing high quality emission measurement for low dust concentrations from dry industrial processes including Baghouses and Cartridge Filters 

Dust monitor STACK 181 WS

US EPA PS11 capable ProScatter™ particulate CEM for the extractive sampling and measurement of particulate in saturated wet gas streams 

Dustmonitor QAL 181

QAL1 Approved ProScatter™ particulate CEM providing high quality emission measurement of low dust concentrations from dry industrial processes 

Dustmonitor STACK 181

US EPA PS11 compliant ProScatter™ particulate CEM providing high quality emission measurement for low dust concentrations from industrial processes 

Dustmonitor QAL 360

TÜV QAL1 and MCERTS Approved, Stand alone or networked system option Particulate CEM providing high quality emission measurement for dust concentrations from industrial processes 

Envea CEM ags system

We design and produce a complete range of state of the art analyzers, sampling systems, data acquisition systems and software for the measurement & reporting of pollutant. 

Multi-Gas Non-dispersive IR GFC Analyzer MIR 9000

Offers excellent performance for multigas measurements in dry sampling, including HCl, HF, NO, NO2, N2O, SO2, CO, CH4, TOC, CO2 and O2. 

Heated Multi-Gas NDIR-GFC analyzer MIR 9000H

Perfect ammonia gas analyzer or multi-gas analyzer for the measurement in hot & wet flue-gas of: HCl, HF, NH3, NO, NO2, N2O, SO2, CO, CO2, O2 and H2O. 

Complete QAL 1 systeem MIR IS

"all-in-one compact" system, built-in SEC sampling system at the sampling location. No sampling line needed
HCl, NO, NO2 (NOx), SO2, CO, CO2, HC, CH4 (TOC), HF, N2O, O2 

Envea HC51M dilution FID analyser

Using a proven flame ionisation detector (FID), the analyzer HC51M measures ambient air hydrocarbons (THC, CH4, nmHC) in the range 0-1000 ppm. 

Portable Multi-Gas Analyzer NDIR-GFC MIR 9000P

Measures 8 gases – NOx, SO2, CO, CO2, CH4, N2O, O2 and residual H2O . O2 is measured by a built-in SRM paramagnetic sensor 

Ankersmid Process
Samuel Morsestraat 4
7442 DH Nijverdal

(31)-0548-59 59 69
(31)-0548-62 19 72

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