Industrial Measurement & Control, CEM systems, measuring vans, shelter, analysers and gasconditiongcomponents
Laboratory equipment, color-, ph-, ion selective-, polari-, refracometers
Farmer measurements, NH3, emmision
Reduced Oxygen Reduced Breathing Device, Gas mixing systems
Refractometers, Color measurements and Calcium
Service, Preventive and corrective maintenance, 24/7 contracts
Marine emission monitoring
Home > Brands > Tiger Optics
Brand: Tiger Optics
Tiger Optics was founded in 2001 and it introduced the first trace-gas analyzer. Continuous Wave Cavity Ring-Down Spectroscopy (CW CRDS).Founded in 2001, Tiger offers a wide and proven array of customer-lauded gas analyzers, as well as atmospheric and environmental monitors. Based upon powerful Cavity Ring-Down Spectroscopy (CRDS), Tiger instruments afford outstanding detection capabilities, speed of response, dynamic range, and accuracy, combined with continuous auto-calibration, ease-of-use, and freedom from moving parts and consumables. From the cleanest of semiconductor fabs to the harshest coal-fired stacks, our analyzers work to improve your yields, reduce costs, and ease the burdens of regulatory compliance.  

We are also the first ISO 9001:2000 accredited CRDS company, known for our quality, consistency and manufacturing excellence, as well as excellent global support.

Highlights of our capabilities and offerings include:

Multi-species, versatile technology:
Tiger’s single- and multi-species trace analyzers and air monitors tackle a myriad of molecules, including moisture, ammonia, methane, oxygen, hydrogen bromide, hydrogen fluoride, hydrogen chloride, formaldehyde, and more.

Robust, versatile instrumentation:
Our instruments work in a wide range of matrices, including toxic, corrosive, and hydride gases.

Absolute accuracy:
Our technology is highly accurate, with sales to 20 national metrology institutes, which use our systems as transfer standards and for environmental research.

Customized product development:
From the U.S. national lab (NIST), which used Tiger to name its formaldehyde standard, to SASOL, the South African chemical company engaged in innovative gas-to-liquid (GTL) synthesis, businesses and labs around the world turn to Tiger for their special analytical needs.

World-class Manufacturing:
Consolidated under one roof in Warrington, PA, Tiger develops, designs, and manufactures its full line of analytical equipment. Our ISO 9001-certified operation guarantees consistent and reliable performance for our customers worldwide.

Global Service Support:
Tiger offers both factory and field service through our authorized service centers in Pennsylvania, France, Taiwan, China and Korea. In addition, our distributors worldwide are well trained and highly technical -- fully capable of providing installation and field support where needed.

Training, Presenting, and Publishing:
We actively support our customer base with training programs and easy-to-use materials in many languages. The Tiger team is a fixture at technical presentations and industry conferences around the world. (Be sure to say, “Hi!”) In addition, we are a frequent contributor of articles and news to magazines, newsletters, and on-line publications serving your markets.

Serani Software

Serani Analyzer Interfacfe Software biedt gebruikers een nieuwe manier om hun analysers op afstand te beheren. 

Spark platform

De Spark is de goedkoopste CRDS analyzer op de markt en biedt krachtige prestaties, het hoogste bereik. En de hoogste snelheid van een Tiger analyzers. De Spark is bruikbaar voor detectie van H2O en andere moleculen, De Spark is ideaal voor: cilinder analyse, industriële en medische gassen en vele andere toepassingen. 


De CO-Rekt maakt het gebruik van Tiger's krachtige CRDS technologie mogelijk en kan gebruikt worden als CO, H2O, CH4 en CO2- analyser in SMR en HyCO processen. 

HALO Platform

De HALO is ons meest veelzijdige analyser, met een perfecte mix van hoge prestaties, compact en kostenefficiëntie. De HALO wordt gebruikt om een ​​grote verscheidenheid aan gassen zoals hydriden, fluoriden, edelgassen en meer te analyseren.

LaserTrace System

De LaserTrace is ons krachtigste gasanalyser met detectielimieten die zo laag gaan als 50 ppt, geschikt voor het meten van vier moleculen op vier afzonderlijke lijnen. Het systeem is geschikt voor H2O , CH4 en O2 metingen in bulkgas maar ook voor vele andere moleculen en toepassingen. 

Prismatic 2

De Prismatic 2 is een multi-species analyser voor de controle van sporen van 4 moleculen in een gasstroom. Het is een ideale oplossing voor toepassingen die gelijktijdige analyse van analyten real-time vereisen. 

Tiger-i platform

De Tiger-i biedt 's werelds beste, meest betrouwbare manier voor het opsporen van verontreinigende stoffen en broeikasgassen. 

Aloha H2O Series

De ALOHA H2O serie biedt 's werelds beste detectielimieten voor vocht in ammoniak ( zo laag als 2 ppb ) . Ultrazuiver ammoniak is een belangrijke bouwsteen voor de vervaardiging van HB LED's en geavanceerde GaN op Si apparaten  

Tiger Optics

Tiger Optics werd opgericht in 2001 en introduceerde de eerste trace-gas analyzer. Continuous Wave Cavity Ring-Down Spectroscopie (CW CRDS). 

Ankersmid Process
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7442 DH Nijverdal

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