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CEM - Continuous Emission Measurement

Continuous Emission Monitoring systems are used as a tool to monitor the effluent gas streams resulting from combustion in industrial processes.
CEMS can measure flue gas for oxygen, carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide to provide information for combustion control in industrial settings.
Although mostly all our analysers can be used for this we only list here the analyser(systems) that are certified like QAL 1.

The measurements are not limited to the oil and gas industry are the analyzer systems, the so called “CEMS”, that are part of systems that need to comply with stringent mandatory measurement requirements and data logging for the purpose of environmental pollution control.

They specifically deviate from the normally operated process analyzer systems by the fact that the validation is not limited to the analyzer system as it also includes the validation of the applied sampling system.

We as Ankersmid work together with ENVEA for the Data Acquisition & regulatory reporting WEX™
MCERTs certified software for emission data acquisition, processing and regulatory reporting

Data acquisition is vital to the functionality of a Continuous Emissions Monitoring System (CEMS). As well as providing real time reports and data handling, the purpose of data acquisition and reporting software is
to provide adherence to legislative compliance. It also ensures that the CEMS equipment is running at its
fullest capabilities, eliminating the risk of excess emissions.


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NEO Monitors TDL CEM

designed for in-situ measurement in stacks, ducts, or reactors with typical path lengths in the range 0.5-20 m. Gases with QAL 1: HCl + H2O,
NH3 + H2O , HF 

Envea CEM ags system

We design and produce a complete range of state of the art analyzers, sampling systems, data acquisition systems and software for the measurement & reporting of pollutant. 

Envea CEM Dust measurement

from filter monitoring to certified dust measurements 

Envea CEM Flow Measurement Devices

The continuous velocity and temperature measurement is very important when operating a system with gas flows (for example indoor exhaust air, exhaust gases). 

Envea Mercury (Hg) analysers

For the analysis of Hg in compounds, as particles, and as an element. 

CEM Products Siemens

In industry, active environmental protection means effectively reducing or preventing pollutants and impacts on the environment 

EcoPhysics CEM NOx

The nCLD EL2 analyzer is the next generation in two-channel high precision nitrogen oxide measurement. Unique in speed and reliability, the nCLD EL2 is modular designed and capable of simultaneously measuring NO, NO2 and NOX from hot and humid gas sources without additional cooler 

QAL 1 benzene BTEX Analyser

Monitoring of benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, xylenes (BTEX) and other hydrocarbons in the ambient air 

Horiba CEM PG 350 E QAL 1

HORIBA presents the Portable Automated Measuring System - PG-350 P-AMS. 

Marine Emissions & Compliance

The Protea 2000 emissions monitoring system is approved for the analysis of exhaust gases from the engines and boilers of ships and offshore rigs. Robust and with proven reliability, up to six gases can be measured including SO2, CO2 and NOx. 

Ankersmid Process
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7442 DH Nijverdal

(31)-0548-59 59 69
(31)-0548-62 19 72

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